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Nvidia RTX 4090 GPUs can crack passwords in seconds...

Nvidia is focusing on gaming, Nvidia is focusing on AI, and - here today Nvidia focusing on cracking passwords!? The report conducted by the cybersecurity firm that the top Nvidia RTX 4090 GPUs are not just gaming GPUs - they are much more than that.

We know Nvidia can do nothing in this. When we compare it with other giants, Nvidia always looked favorable but a concern has now been published, in fact by Nvidia, that it can crack any password in less than a second.

No doubt about the performance of this flagship-level card but when it comes to privacy, we all are kinda "activated" suddenly. However, from the boss of this shady practice - the Nvidia A100 - it's very far and the distance looks very long but how long??

Below is an image proving the same.

The image above shows how vulnerable our data is in recent times. Thanks to Hive Systems, the firm - for it. They used 5 different types of passwords to go through 6 different hardware choices for the comparison. As we can see clearly, the Geforce RTX 4090 can crack an eight-character password consisting of just numbers instantly - not even a second, tho with lowercase characters only you can increase the time to 1 second - great improvement!

If we add all things of characters available on any existing keyboard, it increases the time to 59 minutes - still very insecure!

While this time might be very long for a scammer, for people like us, this is not less than an alarming number to secure our devices, social media apps, and other things with a very strong password which should include numbers, lowercase alphabets, uppercase alphabets and special characters/symbols. And that was all for today - more easy-to-read articles, do yourself a favor, and get added to our email list to get Savvy Everyday!

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